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The Anderson Brothers Complete Series Page 8
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Page 8
“It’ll be fine. We have more important matters,” Olivia stated confidently. I was relieved Olivia was going with me. I didn’t want to do this alone. What if I couldn’t convince them and they put Ford in jail?
I wanted to believe my parents wouldn’t do this, but the reality was, I wouldn’t put anything past them. I needed to figure out a way to force them to back down. My stomach was twisting, because I couldn’t help but remember Ford called his dad and that meant our secret was about to come out.
When we got to the police station, it was overwhelming. There were people everywhere, and the smell was a combination of sweat, urine, and mold. Pregnancy nose was not doing me any favors. I started feeling nauseated, a feeling I hadn’t had in weeks. Olivia kept a tight grip on my hand, as she hauled me to a desk in the middle of the room.
“Good afternoon. We need to speak to the officer in charge of the case involving Ford Anderson,” Olivia told the officer politely.
“Regarding?” the officer replied, bored, not even glancing up. Sweat was rolling down his cheek and I could see the gum in his mouth as he chewed, but Olivia kept a smile plastered on her face. “The statutory rape charge. The victim would like to give her statement.” I admit I was impressed by Olivia. She knew what to say to get his attention. He looked up finally, fully looking at both of us.
His eyes skim my pregnant belly, as he told us, “The detective in charge is Detective Michaels, and I’ll let him know you’re here. Have a seat over there by the stairs.”
Olivia dragged me to the row of benches he’d indicated. “You look green. Are you going to hurl?” she asked, urgently, looking for a bathroom.
“No, I’m just nauseated,” I whisper, trying to control it. Olivia shoved a peppermint into my hand. “Suck on this. It’ll help,” she told me, settling back on the bench.
“Thank you,” I told her, tears welling in my eyes.
“Don’t cry, it’s gonna be fine,” she said, grabbing me in a hug. “Lord, I think they forgot to turn the A/C on in here,” she continued, fanning herself after letting me go. I gave a little laugh, because she was right. The air wasn’t moving and the heat was oppressive. Taking a deep breath was impossible, not only because of the smell, but the sheer humidity.
Surprisingly, we only waited about ten minutes before Detective Michaels came to escort us to his desk. As we sat down, I could see the detective looking at my pregnant belly. His curiosity was apparent, but I was desperate to know what they’d done with Ford.
“Is Ford okay? Can I see him? Is his father here? When are you going to let him go?” The questions spilled out in my nervousness. I was perched on the edge of my chair, leaning forward, my urgency apparent.
“Mr. Anderson is fine. His father is with him now discussing the charges. You can’t see him at the moment, and as to his release, that has yet to be determined. These are very serious charges, Miss. Now, you wish to make a statement?” the detective answered, authoritatively. I sighed, frustrated, and settled back into the chair. Olivia sat silently next to me.
“Yes. I’d like to make a statement,” I said, giving him a direct stare. I needed to remain calm, so he would take me seriously. “My name is Hannah Brignac. I’ve never had sexual relations with Ford Anderson. What information do you need from me to drop the charges against Ford?”
Detective Michaels settled back into his chair, the chair creaking from his weight. He was probably in his forties, a decent looking man. He had gray threading through his hair and mustache, and I saw a family picture on his desk. His daughter looked to be around my age in the photo.
“Miss Brignac, your parents have filed the charges against Mr. Anderson. You are sixteen, correct? And Mr. Anderson is twenty-one? They say you are living with him?” Detective Michaels asked me, a pen in his hand.
“That is correct. I’ll be seventeen tomorrow. The accusation of rape implies that I’ve had sex with Ford. The statutory part indicates our ages would mean that consensual sex is illegal. I’m stating to you that I’ve never had sex with Mr. Anderson. My parents have no business in this matter,” I stated sharply, my eyes never wavering from his. His eyes narrowed slightly at my words.
“But you live with Mr. Anderson?”
“Correct. That does not mean I’ve had sex with him.”
“You are pregnant?” Detective Michaels continued, with a wave indicating my stomach.
“Correct again. It’s not Ford’s baby,” I replied, not wavering.
“You understand this makes no difference? You are a minor and your parents are doing their best to protect you. Someone his age has no business fooling around with a girl your age. My daughter is sixteen and I can’t imagine how difficult it would be for her if she was pregnant,” Detective Michaels told me sympathetically. I could tell he believed my parents and their lies. Who wouldn’t believe a pastor and his wife, obviously upset that their daughter was pregnant and living with a man five years older?
“Did my parents happen to tell you why I’m living with Ford?” I asked the detective politely. Olivia’s eyes were darting between the two of us. She knew what I was going to tell him.
The detective looked startled at my question and reached for his notes. After glancing through them, he gave a short shake of his head. I smiled slightly, “I didn’t think so. You see, when my parents found out I was pregnant, they threw me out and changed the locks. I was forced to live in my car, until Ford found out and gave me a place to stay.” I looked at the picture of his daughter. “I imagine you wouldn’t do the same to your daughter?”
“No, I would not,” he replied, shortly.
“I’ve never had sex with Ford Anderson. I live with him, because I don’t have anywhere else to live. The father of my baby was an eighteen-year-old who’s moved out of state for college. He doesn’t know about the baby—the baby I plan to give up for adoption, because I can’t afford to raise it,” I told him, the anger leaving me, as sadness replaced it. I could see the detective shut his eyes at the sorrow on my face, as Olivia reached over for my hand.
“Ford is going to law school. These charges could ruin his career,” I implored the detective, pushing past my sadness to get this resolved. I needed Ford to be released.
“Your parents filed them. The fastest resolution would be to have them drop the charges. Everything you’ve told me can be noted, but it’s not enough to drop the charges. It will be enough to dismiss the case at trial though,” he replied, heavily, obviously not liking what he was telling me.
“May I speak with Ford?” I asked him. He nodded his head, giving me a perceptive stare. “I’d like to let him know I’m here and speak with his father. He’s a lawyer. I believe my information would be useful to him.”
“I can bring you in to talk to them. You make a strong case for Mr. Anderson, but your best bet is to have your parents drop the charges,” he told me quietly, holding my stare. “You’re a determined young lady,” Detective Michaels continued, pushing up from his desk. “Let me check what room they have him in.”
“OMG, I can’t believe you,” I heard Olivia cry next to me. “I’m so freaking proud of you for coming up here, but how are you going to get your parents to drop the charges?”
“Ford’s dad. My parents respect him. They might listen to him, and if they don’t, I’ll press charges of my own,” I told her.
“What do you mean? What charges can you file against them?” Olivia asked, confused.
“Child abandonment charges,” I replied, quietly. Olivia sat back, looking stunned. “I don’t want to, but I can hold it over their heads if necessary. My mother would never stand for having their reputation destroyed over something like this.”
Olivia gave a low whistle and said, “You are bad ass, girl. I hope you file those charges anyway. They deserve it for doing this shit,” I smiled ruefully, as I looked at her. I didn’t like the decision I’d made, but they’d attacked Ford and I wasn’t going to allow that.
“I’ll do whatever it takes
to protect Ford. He’s done the same for me,” I replied, swallowing nervously.
I looked around the room to distract myself. It was big and open with desks scattered throughout. The police department was in an old building which would explain the persistent moldy smell I noticed. The building itself was beautiful with wooden trim work and high arched ceilings. It didn’t feel like a police station, other than the random person in handcuffs. I wondered if they’d handcuffed Ford when they arrested him. I was sure they would have, but I hated that he was put through that. I realized my knee was bouncing up and down from nerves.
“It’s going to be fine,” Olivia said reassuringly. “They’ll release Ford. Your parents won’t take the chance of you filing charges against them.”
“But Ford’s dad will have to know everything. I’m going to need his help. Ford’s parents are going to want an explanation. They may even tell Colt,” I whispered, fearing the fallout from the entire situation.
“Maybe not,” Olivia said unconvincingly. She frowned as she said, “Your parents really know how to screw you.”
That startled a laugh out of me. She was right. They’d been trying to control me my entire life. The first sign of independence and they freaked out. The first time I’d done something wrong and they threw me out. They couldn’t handle anything outside of their version of acceptable. I had no idea what prompted them to press charges against Ford, but I was sure it was something to benefit them and zero to do with protecting me.
I saw Detective Michaels heading toward us. I had no idea what was happening, because he had an excellent poker face.
“Miss Brignac, I’ll take you to see Mr. Anderson now,” Detective Michaels told me, a slight frown marring his face.
“Olivia, can you wait for me? I don’t know how long it’s going to take,” I asked her, my eyes pleading.
“Of course. I’ll wait in the car. This place gives me the willies,” she told me with an exaggerated shiver. Her dramatics made me smile, as I walked away with the detective.
We came to a door, and he paused to tell me, “I’m sorry you had to come down here for this. I hope everything works out for you and your baby. You’re a strong woman and you seem to have a good head on your shoulders from what I’ve seen. Don’t let your circumstances dictate your future.” He opened the door for me and waited for me to walk in.
I saw Ford seated at a table with his dad, looking worn out. I knew he’d told his dad by the expression on Mr. Anderson’s face. They looked up as we came in, Ford scowling, because I was here and Mr. Anderson shell shocked.
Detective Michaels told us, “I’m going to leave y’all to talk. Knock on the door when you’re ready and someone will come get you.” As he was leaving, he paused and looked at Ford, “I owe you an apology. I thought you were taking advantage. Turns out you were the only one protecting her.” Ford gave him a short nod in acknowledgement.
As soon as the door closed, Ford jumped up from his seat shouting at me. “What are you doing here? This is no place for you. We’ve got it under control. I don’t want you dragged into the middle of this.”
I put my hands on my hips and gave him a narrow eyed look causing him to take a step back. “I think we can establish I’m right in the middle of this. My parents are the ones that filed the charges against you concerning me. So we’ll say I have a right to be here.” I took a deep breath before I finished in a low voice, “And I’m only going to tell you this once. You don’t tell me where to go or what to do. If you believe for one second that I’d leave you here to deal with this alone then you need your damn head examined. So you can go ahead and turn that frown upside down, because I’m not going anywhere.”
I raised my eyebrow at him and held his stare, until he slowly smiled and sat back down. I turned my head to Ford’s shocked dad and proceeded to ask him, “You’ve been caught up?”
“Ah, yes, I have,” he answered, clearing his throat.
“Good. What’s the quickest way to get Ford out of here with no damage to his name, career, anything?” I asked, with a wave of my hand.
“Basically, we need to get your parents to drop the charges, which is going to be difficult. They have a solid case. You’re a minor and living with Ford. It looks bad.”
“I could testify against them, but we don’t want to go to court. So we need to force my parents to drop the charges.”
“Yes, but I’m not sure how we can accomplish that. I don’t think asking nicely will work,” Mr. Anderson told me with a doubtful frown.
“No, we have to play on ground they understand,” I replied, narrowly. I knew what I was about to say would cross a line, but they’d crossed one too many already. “I’m willing to press charges against my parent’s for child abandonment.”
“Hannah, no,” Ford said, his voice a low roar. His dad’s mouth dropped open, and he rubbed his eyes like he was in pain. I turned to Ford and said, “They started it, but I’ll be the one to finish it.”
“Hannah, they’re your parents. I don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret. Let’s think about this okay?”
“Ford, the only regret I would have is if I didn’t do everything in my power to get you out of here. I know what they’re like. You don’t deserve to be caught up in their petty power play. They want to exert control over me like I’m a puppet and they’re the master.”
“Hannah, this is a serious accusation,” Ford’s dad interrupted us to say. “Are you truly willing to go forward with this?”
“I am. But it won’t come to that,” I assured him. “They’ll back down the moment they realize their reputation could be at risk. Right now, they get sympathy, but as soon as I press charges against them, it becomes a mudslinging match. While I couldn’t care less about my reputation, they won’t risk theirs.”
“Are you sure about this, because it could work? I have no doubt it will, if you are correct about them. But this is a serious step against your parents.” Mr. Anderson was sympathetic to the difficulty of my decision, but I’d made up my mind.
“I’m sure,” I answered firmly, looking away from him and back to Ford. He reached over and grabbed my hand and told me, “You’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever met.”
“And don’t you forget it,” I told him with a smile.
We decided to confront my parents the next day. There was no point in going over there tonight. It was already late and nothing could be accomplished.
Ford would have to spend the night in jail, because bail hadn’t been set and we wouldn’t be able to get the charges dropped that night anyway. I didn’t want to leave Ford, and he knew it. There wasn’t much choice though.
He dragged me into a tight hug, as we stood up. He rocked me gently, as he told me, “It’s going to be fine. You’re going to go be a badass and rescue me. I’ll be home tomorrow.” I clung to him, rubbing my face against his hard chest. I took a deep breath and got a whiff of his cologne. The scent calmed me enough that I could take a step away from him.
“I can’t wait,” I told him, forcing a smile in spite of my fear. I was positive my smile was unconvincing, but he rubbed a thumb across my chin and smiled back anyway.
Mr. Anderson and I walked out of the precinct and approached Olivia, as she jammed to the music on her phone. There was an icy spot on my back that felt like it was tugging me back to Ford. Leaving him went against everything in me, but I couldn’t help him here.
Olivia turned toward us as we walked up, took one look at my face, and gave me a hug. “Girl, it’s gonna be okay.”
I forced a smile, as I said, “I know it will. I just hate leaving him here.”
“I’ll stop by and pick you up tomorrow at 8:30, if that’s okay? I’d like to get the charges dropped as soon as possible and get Ford released,” Mr. Anderson said. He was standing on the step below us with his briefcase in his hand and his tie loosened. He looked exhausted, and I knew it was because he was keeping up a strong front for Ford. Impulsively, I reached over and gave him a
quick hug. “I’m sorry for everything.”
“It’s alright, just a day of surprises,” he told me heavily. “I need to go home and explain everything to his mom now.” He gave a slight shake of his head. “I’m not looking forward to that.”
I nodded, as we watched him walk to his car. Olivia looped her arm through mine, and we headed to her car.
“Let’s go get something to eat,” Olivia said, unlocking the car. “I’m starving, so I know you must be.” I was about to protest, because I really want to go home and wash the stink of that jail off me, but then my stomach rumbled. “See, told ya’,” Olivia said, grinning.
The next morning, I dressed for war. Usually, I spent the weekend in Ford’s cutoff sweats, no makeup, with my hair piled into a messy bun. But today, I had something to prove. My parents were going to find out what I was capable of. Even though they’d thrown me out like yesterday’s trash, I’d survived.
Olivia had helped me pick an outfit the night before telling me, “Dress for the result you want. No matter what anyone says, looks matter. And tomorrow you’re going to war.”