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The Challenge (The Pack Book 2) Page 7
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Page 7
“Wren,” I repeated, sure I’d somehow misunderstood her. “Wren? Quiet, little Wren?”
“It’s always the quiet ones you need to watch out for,” Sam said gleefully before shutting the door in my face.
“Wren,” I said again under my breath. “Of course, it would be Wren.” I headed for the stairs since Wren was one of the few women who had elected to stay on the ground floor. I’d never really spoken to her since she basically ducked out of sight whenever she saw me, but my first memory of her had been of a small, brown haired bird of a woman. In fact, I’d thought Sam had read my mind when she’d called her Wren the first time.
I hovered outside of her door for a minute before knocking firmly. The door creaked open and I could see she’d left the chain on.
“Hi, Wren. It’s Jess. Jess Carter?”
She nodded and I noticed her eyes were a light amber color, much lighter than I’d originally thought.
“Um, yeah, I was wondering if you could do me a favor? Actually, not really a favor, more like a job?” I paused, tilting my head as I considered my words. “A paid job.” I nodded firmly. “Yeah, a paid job.”
“I don’t really have any skills,” she whispered and I had to lean forward to catch her words.
“Um, Sam said you might be willing?” I took a shot at mentioning Sam. Wren had been part of my rescue squad when I’d escaped Hanley lands and she’d seemed to look up to Sam.
“What do you want me to do?” She asked as her voice grew a little stronger.
“Babysit my brother.”
The door shut in my face and I groaned. No way had she heard about my little brother yet! I lifted my hand to knock again, determined she would hear me out, when the door opened.
Wren had a shawl wrapped around her shoulders, brown of course, and she slipped though the narrowest crack possible before turning and locking her door. “I’d like to meet him.”
“Of course,” I stammered in surprise. “He’s with my Dad.”
“Your father is a kind man,” Wren told me and I nodded.
“He is.”
“You should be proud.”
“I am.”
I opened the office door to, unsurprisingly, a disaster. “Dad – ”
“Bunny! You’re back. Thank God.” There was no mistaking the relief in voice as Monster continued to open drawers and pull papers out.
“Monster,” I said warningly and he paused. “Do you remember what I said about behaving?”
“I’m helping Dad.”
“I don’t think this is the best way to help,” I replied.
Wren stepped forward, her hand out to Monster. “I’m Wren, and you are?”
He stared at her for a second, no doubt trying to decide how easy it would be to manipulate her before shocking me. “I’m Theodore, but my friends call me Monster.”
“Would you mind if I called you Theodore? I like it better than Monster.” He shrugged, almost bashfully, and I had to keep my mouth from dropping open. “That’s settled then. You’ll be Theodore and I’ll be Wren.” She reached down for a folder on the floor. “Now, let’s get this picked up.”
Monster immediately started helping her as I glanced at Dad, who was staring at Wren like she was the Second Coming. I shook my head and tiptoed out of the room.
“Where are you sneaking off to?”
I barely suppressed a shriek as Trent sidled up next to me.
“Thanks for throwing me under the bus with the ladies. A barbeque? Really?”
“Better than a march,” I retorted waspishly, marching back to the apartment. “What do you want anyway?”
“Anna’s phone number.”
I stopped, eyeing him. He gazed back at me unconcerned, the ever present sucker stick poking out of one corner of his mouth. “Do you ever not suck on those things?”
“Habit,” he mumbled around it, reaching for the sucker sheepishly.
“You’re going to rot your teeth out.”
“I brush,” he replied defensively.
“Why do you want Anna’s number?”
“So I can coordinate your little barbeque.”
“And you need Anna for that?”
“Chick seemed a little upset earlier. Figured if she was dealing with Sam and your little party it might be a good distraction.”
“One, she’s not a chick and I dare you to call her that to her face. Two, I’m keeping an eye on you, Trent.” I nodded, wagging my finger at him. “And I’ll give her your number and explain. If she chooses to contact you then, great. If not….”
He nodded. “I can take a hint.”
“Somehow I doubt that.”
Chapter Eight
The next day I dropped Monster off with Wren before Dad dropped me off at school. It looked like Dom, Anna, and Caleb were skipping and I could admit to myself that I was a little worried. The mental link to Dom had been suspiciously silent and while I prided myself on not being one of those clingy girlfriends that needed to hear from their boyfriend constantly, I was a tiny bit miffed.
He could have at least let me know everything was okay between him and Caleb. Or even asked about his sister.
You could always ask him, the little progressive voice in my head whispered. I told her to shut up. He could contact me.
“Okay, so you were surrounded yesterday, but seriously you and Dom’s little boy is so cute,” Leah gushed, coming up beside me as I went up the front steps of the high school. I stopped in shock, since there was no way Leah actually believed?
She grinned and I started walking again.
“You had me there for a second,” I admitted grudgingly.
“I know,” she crowed, throwing a fist pump in the air. She laughed so loud other students turned to look. “It was awesome.”
“Not if it was your life,” I grumbled and she eased up.
“True. He is your brother though. The rumors got that much right?”
“Yeah, he’s my little brother.”
“He’s pretty adorable.”
“Yeah, if you like Chucky.”
Leah stumbled but rebounded quick. “Where’s Coach Studmuffin?”
“No idea,” I growled and she blinked in shock. “Sorry, it’s been a weird couple of days.”
“It’s been weird since you showed up,” Leah corrected, one of the few people at the school in on the fact that Dom and I were actually dating. She’d helped save my life when the Hanleys kidnapped me by getting the message to Dom.
“I won’t argue that.” I stopped again as a thought came to me. “Would you like to come to a party on Friday?”
“Sure, where?”
“At the motel. It’s a celebration. Most of the Pack will be there.”
She looked hesitant at that information. “Do you think I should come?”
“I’m inviting you, aren’t I?”
“No need to get snarky,” she told me. “Is this invitation only?” She glanced around the hall where students streamed around us and I grimaced. “I’ll take that as a yes, and in that case, I’ll be there. Who would miss an opportunity to mingle with the Pack?”
I smiled ruefully as she disappeared into the flow of students. Who indeed.
“She’s been a lifesaver, Bunny. I’ve never seen anything like it,” Dad enthused, shaking his head as he chopped something into mush. “She even came over today and put a roast in the oven for us.”
“That’s nice of her,” I commented. “What are you chopping exactly?”
“Salad. She said we needed to eat more fresh vegetables.”
“She did,” I murmured noncommittally. Dom shot me a glance that pleaded for me to play nice. Dad had reluctantly agreed he could join us for dinner and Dom was all about making a good impression. I guess me commenting negatively on the wonderful Wren wouldn’t help matters. “You should have invited her for dinner too.”
Dad’s head came up and when I saw his expression, I knew exactly who was now knocking on our door. “You did invite her,�
� I said with forced cheer. Between Monster and Dad, all I’d heard for the last three days were the wonders of Wren.
After an awkward dinner, and Wren insisting she help Dad with the dishes, I disappeared into my room with Dom, Monster coming along as our chaperone.
“What are we going to do now? Wren taught me this cool trick –”
“Okay, that’s enough about Wren.” I pushed open the window and hissed, “Trent.”
“What are you doing?” Dom asked, baffled. I shot him a glance before whispering, “Trent.”
“You called, my lady? What would your dear mate say if he knew you were whispering other men’s names at your window?”
“He’d wonder why they’d be dumb enough to answer,” Dom growled and Trent jumped in mock surprise.
“Ah, if it’s not one of my favorite friends.”
“And here I thought I was your only friend,” Dom said dryly.
“Harsh, Dom. Really, harsh.” Trent had his hand over his heart and I rolled my eyes.
“Okay, you two, are you done? Should I leave you alone?” They traded a speculative glance and I huffed. “Trent, I need a favor.”
Trent glanced at me and Dom and then down at Monster. “I have a terrible feeling I know where this is going.”
“Can’t I just go hang out with Wren?” Monster whined and I rolled my eyes.
“No, because then you wouldn’t be chaperoning Dom and I.”
“But if I go with him, I won’t be chaper-chaponing you either,” he said, stumbling over the word.
“Right, but Dad won’t know.”
“I won’t go,” Monster stated, nodding mutinously as he crossed his arms, and Dom looked at me in amusement.
I considered my options. The cookies I could use to bribe him with were in the kitchen and if I went to get them it would look suspicious, plus I didn’t want to watch my Dad make doe eyes at Wren.
“You like wrestling, kid?” Trent asked, poking his head in the window. “Cause that’s what I’m doing tonight.”
“I’m not supposed to watch violent shows,” Monster said, glancing between me and Trent.
“I wouldn’t call WWE violent,” Trent joked, twisting around so his elbows were propped on the windowsill. “I also have cookies.”
“Sold,” Monster crowed happily. “Let’s go.” He pointed at me. “And you owe me.”
“Yeah, yeah, go and keep your mouth shut about it.”
Trent lifted him through the window and glanced at us. “Two hours, you two. Otherwise, people might start talking.” He winked and I shut the window in his face.
“I had no idea you wanted to get me alone so badly.” Dom grinned as he slid his arms around my waist. “All you had to do was ask.”
I smacked his chest and winced at the immediate stinging sensation. “Ugh, it’s like hitting concrete.”
“You have not an ounce of humility, do you?”
“How’s Caleb?” I asked, totally changing the subject and possibly giving him whiplash if his look was any indication.
“Should I be worried that you’re asking me about my competition when we’re finally alone together?” He fell back on the bed, taking me with him as I sprawled on top of him.
“Only if he was competition,” I countered, placing a quick peck on the mark directly over his heart. He tensed at the action before rolling over and pinning my hands over my head.
“Living dangerously, are we?”
“It’s the only way I live,” I retorted, not the least bit nervous at being at his mercy. He nuzzled my neck, followed by kisses along my jaw before hovering over my mouth.
“I love you,” he whispered, pulling back as I stared at him in shock. He leaned back on his heels, keeping his weight off me. “I do. Love you. I’ve wanted to tell you for a while.” He glanced down at his hands, rubbing them together. Nervously, I realized in shock. Dom was nervous. “I didn’t want to say it over the bond. But to you. Face to face.”
I pushed myself up on my elbows still trying to absorb the fact that a nervous Dom had just admitted he loved me.
“You don’t need to say it back, but could you say something, maybe? Are you okay with me loving you?”
“Well, yeah,” I said stupidly. “I mean I guess I kind of assumed?” I gave a one-shouldered shrug. “You did mention long term. I figure that’s not something you do with a girl you just like.”
His laughter shook the bed as he said, “And that’s why I love you, Jess.”
“You’re not saying this because you want to have sex with me, are you? Because I’m not having sex with a deadline of my brother showing back up.”
His laughter cut off abruptly as I spoke and he moved so quickly I couldn’t process it as he suddenly cupped my cheek in his hand.
“Absolutely not. I didn’t tell you I love you so you’d have sex with me, Jess. I told you because I need you to know it.” The corners of his eyes crinkled with worry and involuntarily my finger reached up to smooth the tiny lines. “I’ve seen too much uncertainty lately. I don’t want this to be one of those things. Us. I don’t want us to be an uncertainty.”
“We’re not,” I assured him. “So long as you don’t suddenly decide to hook up with one of the breeding females surrounding us.”
“Never,” he promised, his yellow eyes gleaming as he leaned down to kiss me. “Of course, that goes both ways.” I felt his lips curl up. “You can’t hook up some random wolf.”
“Well, Anna is pretty cute,” I teased and his chuckle rumbled through me.
“I won’t argue that,” he replied, his eyebrow arched wickedly and I thumped his side.
“Caleb….he’s not interested in her, is he?”
Dom eased down next to me, curling his arm under my head. “I don’t know. He was….before.” He didn’t need to explain when before was, we were all intimately acquainted with when hell had broken loose. “Now, I’m not sure Caleb knows what he wants and unless Anna is willing to wait and find out,” Dom trailed off as I nodded.
“Can I wish that things would go back?”
“I think we all wish it. Our Alpha died without honor, shot in the back by an enemy with no honor.” I stroked my hand along his chest, my fingers memorizing the dips and ridges of muscle as he spoke. “Caleb knew what his future would be, but none of us expected it so soon or this way.”
“What about his brother? Payne.”
I felt Dom shift. “You know him?”
I shook my head. “No, but Sam seemed to.”
“What do you mean? Was he here?”
“Yeah, a few days ago when I convinced Sam to come outside for a while. A guy showed up at the edge of the forest. I didn’t recognize him and was going to call out, but Sam knew him.”
“Yeah, she would.”
“She didn’t seem to thrilled to see him. I wondered why he would show up. He’s not a shifter so he wouldn’t be patrolling.”
“No, he wouldn’t.”
“Do you know why he would come here?”
“No, I can’t imagine,” Dom answered, smoothing his hand down my back, and smiling as I shivered at the sensation.
“Could you find out?”
“Are you asking me to meddle?”
“Yes,” I answered promptly and felt him sigh.
“There’s a lot of history here you don’t know about,” he said carefully and I lifted myself up to look at him.
“Oh, I’m aware,” I told him. “But I know Sam came back here because this is where she wants to raise Nicky. Because this is where her family is.”
“Family she won’t talk to,” Dom interjected shortly, a frown marring his expression.
“Yeah, I’m working on that. It would be helpful to know why she left,” I wheedled and he shook his head.
“I wish I knew. It all happened right after I left for college. By the time I realized she was gone, she wasn’t answering my calls.”
“Can I say I find
it surprising you didn’t storm over to the Hanleys and start a war right then?”
“Trust me, it was a near thing.” His expression tightened and I rubbed my thumb over his rock hard jaw. “Alpha’s orders were the only thing that kept me from going.” My finger stopped moving, as I comprehended what he said. He smiled mirthlessly. “An Alpha is more powerful than you think, Jess. We have to obey his command. Why do you think Caleb being Alpha has the elders so worried?”
“You dad isn’t worried.”
“My dad…..he has other things on his mind. And he considers Caleb my responsibility. The same way Caleb’s dad was his responsibility.”
“Isn’t that a tad backwards? Shouldn’t betas be Alpha’s responsibilities?”
“They should and they are, but someone has to have the Alpha’s back. A strong beta can hold a pack together better than a strong Alpha can.”
“Oh, that’s not conceited at all,” I replied, tapping his cheek.
“It’s not conceited if it’s true. Alpha’s have a guiding hand and a firm hand when necessary, but Beta’s hold a different role. We are the enforcers. We ensure the Pack obeys the rules.”
“You have to believe in the rules,” I answered and he nodded.
“We do.” He caught my hand. “Jess, will you talk to Sam? Maybe she’ll tell you what happened, but I’d like my sister back.”
I kissed his knuckles. “I’ll talk to her.”
A knock came on the window just then. “Everyone decent in there? Bit of problem out here.”
I slid off Dom and went to the window in time to see Trent slip out of the shadows.
“What problem?” I asked cautiously.
“I’ve lost your little brother.”
Chapter Nine
“Monster,” I called, knowing it was fruitless. He would have answered by now if he could hear me. Dom and the other shifters combed the woods, their night vision far superior to mine as I squinted in the darkness. The flashlight I held was meant to protect what little night vision I had, but I still had to keep it away from sensitive wolf eyes.
“Where could he have gone?” Dad paused as he caught his breath and I just shook my head. I hadn’t been able to look at him since I’d told him Monster was missing. “Bunny,” he murmured. “It’s not your fault.”