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The Challenge (The Pack Book 2) Page 5
The Challenge (The Pack Book 2) Read online
Page 5
“No. After what you just did in there?” I waved my hand to the nurse’s office and he grimaced. “You’re lucky I’m offering you a cookie at all. Now, I mean it. Behave and you’ll get a cookie when lunch is over.”
“Fine,” he pouted, lower lip pushed out adorably. A passing student aide saw it and said, “Awww.”
“You want him?” I offered, already pushing him toward the soft-hearted fool. Her eyes widened and she shook her head, alarm on her face as she hurried off in the other direction.
“Impressive,” I sighed. “Your reputation proceeds you.” I tugged on his backpack to get him moving. “You’re lucky I have enough money for your lunch. Otherwise you’d be eating my scraps.”
“Someone would feed me,” he boasted and when I lifted an eyebrow he gave me his best innocent face, the one that had conned more than one adult into giving him what he wanted. “Who could resist this face?” He eyed me. “Besides you?”
“No one I’ve met so far,” I agreed as we came to a stop in front of the cafeteria doors. “Remember, no mentioning they aren’t human, alright?”
“What’s the big secret?”
“Their lives.”
“Oh. But you know it.”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “And soon you will too. Even better than me.”
“I’m like them.”
“You’re also too smart for your own good.” I crouched down in front of him. “Look, I’ll explain, I promise, but you have to be careful here. Not everybody is a good guy, okay?” He nodded, his face serious and I suddenly understood the fear Dom held when it came to me. Protecting Monster had become my number one concern.
“Hey, Jess.”
I spun around at the familiar voice, surprised he was here. “Caleb.”
He grinned, but I could tell it was half-hearted. He wasn’t the same boy I’d first met when I showed up. The lighthearted guy, the easygoing one who balanced out Dom’s taciturn nature was gone.
“I didn’t realize you’d come back.”
“Today is the first day,” he admitted, looping his thumb under the shoulder strap of his bag. “Figured it was time.” His expression hardened, forcibly reminding me he wasn’t just a teenager anymore. He was Alpha. “Prove I’m fit for duty.”
“You don’t have to prove anything to me,” I reminded him. “Or Dom. Or Anna.”
He nodded, but wouldn’t meet my eyes and I knew he didn’t feel that way. He would need to prove it to himself first.
“Who’s this?” He jerked his head to my little brother, eyeing him curiously and I laughed.
“You mean you haven’t already heard?”
Caleb smiled sheepishly. “I’ve been keeping a low profile.” He glanced around. “Dom doesn’t even know I’m here.”
My eyebrows arched in surprise but before I could say anything the bell rang. Students streamed out of classrooms and we were caught in the wave headed into the cafeteria.
We got our food, Caleb giving Monster a cookie before I could stop him. The smug look Monster threw me had me narrowing my eyes in warning and he hastily shoved the cookie in his mouth.
We sat down and it wasn’t long before the tables filled. My presence at the ‘Pack’ table was no longer a source of gossip but Monster was another story. Rumors were wild about him.
“So, he’s you and Dom’s love child, huh?” Caleb had the first genuine smile I’d seen so far.
I glanced up, scanning the room, as curious gazes flickered toward us. “Seriously? That’s what they come up with? I thought we were doing a pretty good job of hiding our relationship,” I huffed, glaring at the few who didn’t drop their gazes when I met their eyes.
“That’s what bothers you?” Caleb shook his head, a small chuckle escaping him. “You and Dom are so obvious it hurts.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, really.” He tilted his head toward me, his smile changing. “Maybe we should give them something else to talk about.”
I laughed nervously, his implication catching me off guard. “Haha, but I think Anna would be upset.”
He gave me a startled glance but didn’t say anything as members of the Pack arrived, greeting him. Dom arrived next, sitting next to me, and cementing the idea of our ‘love child’ in the minds of half the school.
“Do you know what people are saying?” I asked him immediately but he wasn’t looking at me. Instead, his gaze was focused on his Alpha, the one he was sworn to protect, and the one who hadn’t told him he was going to be at school today.
“Caleb,” he rumbled and the table fell silent. Caleb glanced at him defiantly and I held my breath. “Glad to see you back.” Caleb seemed to deflate as he gave Dom a short nod, and turned back to someone who’d asked him an earlier question.
“To answer you, yes. I’ve heard the rumors about your brother and so far the most popular one is that he’s our love child.” Hearing the words come out of Dom’s mouth, I couldn’t stop a giggle. It sounded so ludicrous when he said it. I mean, it was ludicrous anyway, but his dry statement made it twice as funny. “You find it amusing?”
“Only when you say it,” I retorted, being sure to keep a clearly defined space between us. It didn’t seem to stop the rumors though, especially when Dom glanced over at Monster curiously.
“I heard he’s caused some trouble.”
“Depends on your definition of trouble,” Monster answered, staring back at Dom. “I was just exploring.”
“And exploring involves rearranging multiple shelves in the library?” Dom asked dryly.
“I was looking at them,” Monster said defensively.
“Reading the counselor’s notes about students over the intercom?” I winced at that one. “How can you even read yet? You’re four.”
“Five and Jess taught me,” Monster answered, throwing me under the bus without a qualm. “I didn’t realize the intercom was on.”
Dom narrowed his eyes at Monster. “And a compulsive liar. Lovely.” He glanced at me, switching to the bond to add the next part. He’s a sociopath in the making.
I choked because the thought had crossed my own mind. He’s bored, I said in a lukewarm attempt to defend my brother. And too smart.
That’s an understatement. I heard weariness in Dom’s thoughts and a sense of worry, and neither had anything to do with Monster.
What’s bothering you?
The one word held a wealth of meaning as I felt him pull back from the mental bond.
“I can take Monster this afternoon,” he said aloud and Monster suddenly looked scared. “We can get to know each other.” Dom leaned around me to smile at Monster, who suddenly wasn’t so brave.
“If you let me stay with you, we can forget about the cookie you owe me,” he whispered to me.
“You can’t come to class with me,” I hissed back. “And you’re lucky they haven’t expelled me for bringing you here. Be grateful Dom is willing to put up with you and I suggest you behave for him.”
“But, he’s a –” Monster pleaded, almost slipping up as I glared at him.
“But nothing. You’ll be safe with Dom.” I eased my expression, seeing he was genuinely nervous. “I swear you’ll be safe with him.” Monster’s expression was resolute as he nodded. “Good boy,” I smiled.
He faced Dom and without a hint of fear asked him, “Do you have cookies?”
Dom’s gaze flickered to me as my head smacked against my palm.
“You have no shame,” I murmured to Monster who shrugged.
“You said I could trust him.”
“I can get cookies,” Dom interrupted and Monster gave him a considering look.
“I think I like you.”
“Why does that fact make me nervous?” Dom whispered under his breath. I rolled one shoulder, giving him a tentative smile.
“I recommend hiding anything flammable,” I replied instead of answering his question and he nodded slowly, eyeing Monster carefully.
“Where’s Anna?
” I asked curiously. I hadn’t seen her all day and she hadn’t told me she was going to be absent. My question diverted Dom’s attention from Monster as he cocked his head. I recognized his slightly unfocused gaze as he used the Pack bond to locate her. Only the ones with the ability to shift were connected that way, with the exception of a true mate bond like the one I shared with Dom.
Caleb snuck a glance at me and I quickly shifted my gaze. I’d never once felt uncomfortable around him, but today that had changed.
“She’s taking a makeup test,” Dom answered, his expression clearing. I nodded, relieved she was here at least.
“Does she want me to bring her lunch?” I asked, knowing the appetite of a shifter was something to be feared and admired. He shook his head, smiling.
“I asked her and she brought her lunch.”
“Did she know…” I trailed off and switched to our mental bond. About Caleb being here?
The short answer said everything as we glanced at Caleb. He was smiling at something someone had said, but there was an emptiness in his eyes that chilled me.
I tapped my pencil against the desk, eyes on the clock as I counted down the seconds until sixth period ended. Anna glanced at me from across the room, her sensitive senses picking up on my anxiety. The bell rang then and only the fact that she was a shifter had her beating me to the door.
“What has you in such a rush?” She teased, her lithe steps keeping up with me effortlessly as I pushed against the stream of students headed to the front of the school and the parking lot. I was headed to the back of the school where the field house and hopefully my brother were. Still standing and alive, respectively.
“I haven’t heard a peep from Dom all afternoon.”
Anna sent me a sideways glance, still not grasping why it was a big deal and I realized she didn’t know about Monster.
“How was your test?” I asked instead of explaining the Monster situation.
“Bad,” she replied, fiddling with her backpack.
“Sorry.” I winced sympathetically. “I don’t guess you can take it again?”
She shrugged offhandedly. “No, it was my last chance.” Her tone was a little too casual and I slowed down.
“A certain someone’s presence didn’t distract you, did it?” I asked cautiously. “Or were you avoiding him?”
She smiled tightly. “It’s not really avoiding someone if they don’t notice your presence, is it?”
“He isn’t talking to you either then?”
“He doesn’t even seem to see me,” she burst out, stopping so suddenly I was five steps ahead before I realized. “I thought we were friends at least. Pack mates. You know?” I nodded vaguely, not having a clue, but figured now wasn’t the time to point that out. “But he’s pushing me away. Acting like we barely know each other. I thought we had a connection,” she finished in a rush, more upset than I’d ever seen her.
“Anna,” I reached for her arm, pausing as she tensed. She shook her head and I dropped my hand.
“I appreciate it, Jess. I do, and another time I might be able to accept your sympathy, but not right now.” She backed away, slipping her bag off her shoulder as she started moving faster. “I....I need space.”
She took off for the edge of the forest before I could utter a word, and I glanced around to see if anyone had seen her. Thankfully, the back of the school was empty and no one had been around to see her move faster than a human girl should be capable of moving.
I heaved a sigh as I trudged toward the field house and Dom’s office. He was the assistant football coach, a great cover to allow him to stay on the school grounds and keep watch over Caleb who was still a student. His job as beta was to keep the next Alpha safe. Current Alpha, I corrected myself morosely.
So much had changed so quickly it was hard to comprehend. Not the least, my little brother’s unexpected arrival.
“Jess.” My name was accompanied by someone grasping my elbow and tugging me around. “Hey.”
I jerked my elbow from his grasp as I glanced around. “Caleb,” I acknowledged quietly, seeing the area was empty.
“Hey, I’m glad I caught you,” he said, dropping his arm as he shifted closer to me.
“Didn’t realize you were chasing me,” I replied sharply, easing back a step. He followed and I bit back an irritated sigh. He was like a damn puppy, hopeful and completely oblivious that his attention was unwanted. My irritation seemed out of proportion to the situation but my instincts were screaming at me that something wasn’t right. I wasn’t getting good vibes from him chasing me down.
“I’ll chase you anytime,” he leered at me and I choked back an involuntary laugh at the terrible line. Laughing would only encourage whatever delusion he was under that I might want his attention.
“Yeah, let’s not.” I held up my hand and he stepped into it, his chest pressed directly against my palm. Heat radiated from him, and where my hand was placed I could feel his heart thundering. “Caleb, I’m not interested. I suggest you stop before you cross a line you can’t go back from.”
“I’m Alpha now,” he enunciated, his hands coming up to cup my shoulders. “You don’t need Dominic’s protection anymore.” I’d had enough, my hands snapping out to break his hold as I attempted to rein in my temper.
“I don’t need your protection either, Caleb,” I stated. “And I don’t want your attention.”
“We could rule the Pack.”
“You could also not be a jackass but clearly we’re past that point.” I jammed my finger against his chest. “You’re better than this. You know better than this. I’m with Dom. Your best friend? Remember him? The guy who has your back?”
Caleb stumbled back a step, his expression confused as I continued to ream him out. “Your dad died. You’re Alpha now. Big whoop. So far, I’m not impressed. It takes more than a title to make a man.”
“Cut me some slack,” he grumbled, crossing his arms defensively, his lower lip pushing out and reminding me forcefully of Monster.
“Oh, cut you some slack? How about I have a motel full of women and children on the run from a rival pack, I just found out my brother is a shifter, and now my boyfriend’s best friend is hitting on me? Sorry. I have no slack to give right now.” I shoved his arms again and he stumbled back another step. “How about you not be a shitty friend? How about you quit pouting about how unfair it all is and get your shit together? How about you talk to the people that care about you before you wind up like the Hanley Alpha? Hmmm? How about that?”
“I wouldn’t,” he stuttered, his expression shattered. “I didn’t mean – ” he broke off, not seeming to know what to say.
“Consider this your only warning, Caleb,” I continued, keeping my voice hard. “You pull a stunt like this again and I will tell Dom. And not only will I tell him, I’ll pop popcorn while I watch him tear you limb from limb.”
Caleb nodded dumbly, stumbling away from me, and finally breaking into a long lope as he headed for the trees. Part of me hoped he’d run right into Anna and she gave him a piece of her mind too.
Once he was out of sight, I slumped against the wall of the field house, drained. I hated the fact that I’d put that look on his face. That I’d essentially kicked a puppy right in the nuts, but I knew he needed to hear it. No one else was willing to do it and I was all about nipping that shit in the bud. My head fell back against the wall with a thump. Knowing I was right didn’t help at all.
“Pop popcorn?”
Chapter Seven
My head jerked up as Dom leaned against the wall next to me. I hadn’t heard or felt him nearby, which really shouldn’t surprise me since most prey didn’t sense the predator about to pounce.
“I…didn’t see you there,” I stammered, struggling to interpret his expression.
“I figured as much.” He ran his finger along my cheek and my eyes closed involuntarily. “You handled that well.”
“You don’t sound surpris
“The Alpha call kickstarts maturity in a young shifter. His mating instincts would be high and you are exceptional.”
“I’m with you,” I retorted, my eyes snapping open.
“Not fully,” Dom replied. “Which means any other wolf has a chance.” He shrugged ruefully. “Most wouldn’t be dumb enough to try and take it.”
I glanced over my shoulder at where Caleb had entered the woods. “He’s struggling.” I shook my head. “I didn’t realize how badly until today.”
“Neither did I,” Dom answered quietly, pulling me into his arms. “I don’t know how I missed it.”
“You wanted it to be okay. We all did.” I burrowed my head against his chest, taking what comfort I could in the brief moment. It was unusual for Dom to show any type of affection while on school grounds but today was clearly an exceptional day. I inhaled deeply, relaxing at his familiar scent, my eyes closing as evergreen and man mingled. He rubbed my arms gently before setting me away from him.
“I also didn’t realize how bloodthirsty you were,” he commented, tilting his head to indicate I should follow him. “Rip him from limb to limb? A little excessive.”
I shrugged, tucking my hands into my pockets so I wouldn’t be tempted to touch him. “It seemed appropriate at the time.” I smiled slyly. “Are you saying you wouldn’t rip him limb from limb?’
“Absolutely not, they’d find his body scattered over three counties.”
“Good to know,” I said faintly at his gruesome answer. “And Monster? He’s alive, right?” When I didn’t get an answer, I hurried after him. “Seriously, Dom.”
I heard his chuckle right before I slammed into his back. He’d stopped in the doorway and I ducked around him to see Monster sitting on the floor carefully sorting papers. I gazed around the weight room, not seeing any obvious signs of destruction.
“It’s not my first time dealing with a pup who is too clever for his own good,” Dom said, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall.
“You know?” I glanced up at him in surprise and he grimaced slightly.